他們玩的音樂種類很廣很多, 多得你想像不能,還有他們真的是很厲害的Rock Musician,在香港這個以偶像派為主的音樂市場,Tenacious D一定不能出道,可是他們在音樂的才華方面真的好得沒話說,他們不做音樂人真的是音樂界的大損失。如果以一隻ALBUM來說是十分抵聽的!!他們的大碟(也是目前唯一一隻)不容易聽得厭,不過肯定不是主流的音樂,我可是聽得很開心耶,因為歌詞部分充滿娛樂性(和F WORD XD) 如果再加上MV看話更加一流喔!!
雖然他們看上去像攪笑組合,他們也常常做一些令人笑翻肚的節目/動作,但是歌詞不是單純的攪笑的。有留心聽的話除了笑死外,還會聽到很多"弦外之音" 例如INWARD SINGING, ROCK SINGERS ALWAYS ROCK YOU HALF THE TIME, THE OTHER TIME THEY WERE DOING THE BREATHING.大家努力聽聽歌詞就知道了。
I am a big fan of street performer around Bouke st. and myer, esp. Geroge Kamikawa (The BLUES harmonica and guitar guy) and the Spanish guitar dual( really cool)
And now someone in the council said that there should be more regulations introduced to restrict releasing liscence to the performers.
What da f***!!
these are some really unique culture and attractions around Melborune CBD and I dun think they are disturbing ppl or bring negative influences to ppl or shops around.
I hope some day when I travel to MEL I can spend more time on enjoying their performance and buy their CDs!!( I am really regret not buying even one of them!!!!><)